Author's articles

Addiction Treatment: How Fear, Faith and Friends Beget Recovery
By Mark Reed Merrill · 12 years ago
It is also when the door to faith opens. A heavy door, opening it requires more than just the addict's efforts. It requires the help of people familiar with early recovery essentials: detoxification, abstinence and ...
Alcohol Treatment Centers: Spin Dry or Valuable Education
By Mark Reed Merrill · 12 years ago
The truth is that alcohol treatment centers, especially in conjunction with twelve-step programs like Alcoholics Anonymous, have proven the most effective weapons in the fight against alcoholism and addiction yet devised. It's not that they ...
Addiction Treatment: The Unraveling of a Social Myth
By Mark R.merrill · 12 years ago
According to The Oxford Encyclopedic Dictionary of the English Language, addiction is defined as follows: "...the condition of taking a drug habitually and being unable to give it up without incurring adverse effects." Nothing more, ...
Alcohol Treatment Centers: Where Honesty Can Be Understood
By Mark R.merrill · 12 years ago
The alcoholic starts with small lies: I only had a couple; the meeting ran overtime. The lies then progress to deceptive behaviors: hiding bottles in closets, even toilets; breaking appointments with false excuses. As those ...
Alcohol Rehabilitation: Education as the Primary Weapon
By Mark Reed Merrill · 12 years ago
Three theories purport to explain alcoholism: Genetic, defining it as a chromosomal predisposition; Sociological, defining it as a product of social influences; and Psychological, defining it as a personality predisposition. Effective alcohol rehabilitation takes each ...