Author's articles

Instant Forgiveness
By Natacha Cann · 11 years ago
No matter how badly someone hurts you, it is beneficial to forgive the offense instantly. I have a friend, who I will call Pat, who owns her own business,. Pat just had a very bad ...
Your Role in Forgiveness
By Natacha Cann · 11 years ago
Forgiveness doesn’t happen without God’s intervention, but we also have a role to play in the process. St. Augustine is credited with saying, "Pray as if everything depends on God, work as if everything depends ...
Forgiveness Is True Freedom
By Natacha Cann · 11 years ago
Forgiveness and reconciliation will give you a sense of true freedom. With that freedom, you can leave your past behind and move into all God has planned for your life. Ephesians 2:10 is one of ...
Forgiveness Does Not Minimize Wrongdoing
By Natacha Cann · 11 years ago
If you forgive someone, does that mean you downplay or minimize the wrong that was done to you? Does forgiveness mean you are letting someone off the hook or giving the person a free pass? ...
Forgiveness Is of A Higher Standard
By Natacha Cann · 11 years ago
At the homeless shelter where I volunteer, there is a strong emphasis on forgiveness and personal accountability. The residents must learn to recite, by memory, several recovery principles. One of the principles is called "Restitution" ...
Forgiving Someone - Are You Ready to Forgive?
By Natacha Cann · 11 years ago
Many of us struggle with knowing when we are ready to forgive. Forgiving others takes more than words. How do you know when you’re ready to forgive someone? When you get rid of your anger? ...
The Harsh Reality of Forgiving Someone
By Natacha Cann · 12 years ago
If you are thinking about forgiving someone, be encouraged because it is the first step in healing your pain. At the same time, do not be discouraged if your offender rejects your attempts to reconcile ...
Forgiveness Your Way Never Works
By Natacha Cann · 12 years ago
Why is it so hard to forgive someone? Why does forgiveness hurt so much and seem impossible sometimes? Forgiveness is hard and seems impossible when you try to do it your way and expect situations ...