Author's articles

In the Reflective Silence, We Remember
By Jackie Woodside · 12 years ago
Amidst the joyful celebrations of the holidays, we are moving into the winter of the year, when life in the outer world becomes quiet and still. The snowing storms of the winter and chilly weather ...
Let Your Mission Guide You
By Jackie Woodside · 12 years ago
People tell me all the time how inspired they are by my mission statement. For those of you who don't remember my mission statement, or who perhaps have never heard it before, it is this: ...
Are you crazy busy or meaningfully productive?
By Jackie Woodside · 12 years ago
Four Simple –But Not Easy– Steps to Mastering Productivity People are quickly getting back into the swing of things as the summer fades into sweet, yet soon distant memories. Days are growing shorter, school is ...