Author's articles

The story of rat fink and company, and how they got evicted
By John Melchior · 6 years ago
When we moved into our new place last spring, I loved the environment. Set between several orchards, the rural atmosphere was a welcome change from the big cities where I had spent most of my ...
Eleven Important Squirrel Control Tips for Homeowners
By John Melchior · 6 years ago
See Squirrels Scram Squirrels are always thinking of ways to multitask their two daily objectives: finding nuts while driving us nuts. If you have ever watched Princess Bushytail swivel her hind feet to grasp a ...
How To Get Squirrels Out Of Your Attic
By John Melchior · 6 years ago
Squirrel infestations are one of the most common pest problems Bergen County homeowners face. Fortunately, though, there are a few relatively simple ways to rid your attic of squirrels. However, it’s not quite the squirrel ...
My Three Favorite Small Business Marketing Books
By John Melchior · 6 years ago
The difference between a small business success story and a failure often times comes down to marketing. Among the many things, a small business owner has to do, marketing is one of the key pieces ...
How Homeowners Can Control Pests Naturally
By John Melchior · 6 years ago
It's a double-edged sword. You do not want pests around your house, but you do not want to expose your home to the sorts of chemicals that are found in pesticides. Just because you want ...