Author's articles
Just Think Happy Thoughts!
By Bob Makransky · 13 years ago
Whenever I hear some spiritual guru proclaim that all you gotta do is "just think happy thoughts!", it makes me want to pop him one upside the head and see how long he can keep ...
Spiritual Gardening
By Bob Makransky · 17 years ago
The time when humankind decided to move from silent knowledge to reason was the same time it moved from hunting and gathering to agriculture. Agriculture was not undertaken because big game had died off, or ...
Spiritual Cookery
By Bob Makransky · 17 years ago
“I then asked (Dr. Steiner), ‘How can it happen that the spiritual impulse, and especially the inner schooling, for which you are constantly providing stimulus and guidance bear so little fruit? Why do the people ...
Why Love Relationships Fail
By Bob Makransky · 18 years ago
Love relationships fail because at no time in our training by society are we given a factual model of what a love relationship is, or how to make one succeed. There are fundamentally three levels ...
Communicating with Plants
By Bob Makransky · 18 years ago
Plants’ experience of being in the world is very different from the experience of us animals. Because plants cannot move about, they exist in a state of profound acceptance and peace within themselves. Emotions such ...