Author's articles

Comparing Food Labels 101: Understanding the Nutrition of Bread
By Maria Noble · 12 years ago
In Canada, food manufacturers are required to state nutritional facts on their packaging. Food labels are found on the backside of the packages and list important details like nutrient information, calories and food ingredients. Understanding ...
Healthy White Bread Sushi, Whole Grain Bread Shish Kabobs and Other Fun Treats for School Lunches
By Maria Noble · 12 years ago
When it comes to school lunches, it seems as if peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, potato chips and juice boxes dominate the lunchroom. While these items may be the staples, you can make fun, affordable ...
7 Simple, Delicious and Nutritious After-School Snacks for Kids: Bread Casserole, Pizza Toast and More!
By Maria Noble · 12 years ago
When it comes to after-school snacks for kids, parents don’t have to settle for cookies, chips or cereal bars. There are many quick, tasty and healthy snack options you can make for your kids. Try ...
4 Tasty Toast Recipes Using Whole Wheat Bread
By Maria Noble · 12 years ago
Whole wheat toast is a staple of many Canadian breakfasts for a good reason – it provides a good start to the day and is a quick, hot meal that almost anyone can make. Because ...
Bread Nutrition Myths Busted: 3 Misconceptions That May Surprise You
By Maria Noble · 12 years ago
Over the past few years, there has been increasing focus on food and nutrition. Canadian parents are looking more critically at food choices for their children and more and more people are learning to read ...