Author's articles

What to Do When You're Hated at Work
By Jean Kelley · 11 years ago
At some point in your career, you’ve probably felt disliked—or even hated—by someone at work. Maybe it was your boss, a co-worker, or someone in a different department you interacted with occasionally. Perhaps the person ...
Are You Executive Level Material? 10 Tips to be More Promotable
By Jean Kelley · 12 years ago
Any successful executive will tell you that there’s a game in business. If you’re not willing to play the game, you can’t win at it. So while many people aspire to reach the executive level ...
It is Time to Link Up With LinkedIn
By Jean Kelley · 12 years ago
Mention the phrase "social media" and most people automatically think of Facebook and Twitter. But if you have any dealings in the corporate world—whether you’re a CEO, salesperson, human resource manager, administrative assistant, or anything ...