Author's articles

The History of Computer Viruses
By Tony Heywood · 13 years ago
Computer viruses have a much longer history that most people would imagine. They predate the modern internet although the first viruses were purely technical excises in computer programing. It is not until the advent of ...
What is an ISA account?
By Tony Heywood · 13 years ago
What is an ISA Account? ISA's are a type of saving account in the UK. The terms standards for Individual Savings Accounts hence the the shortened commonly used term ISA. ISA's where introduced in Gordon ...
Four Things to Consider when renting a flat
By Tony Heywood · 13 years ago
If you are thinking about renting a flat or house you really need to stop and think about a number of things before you even start you search. What is your budget? Could you live ...
What is Algorithmic Trading?
By Tony Heywood · 14 years ago
Algorithmic Trading or automated trading is the term used for electronic stock market trading that uses a complex computer algorithm to control the buying and selling of stocks, shares and other investment products. The computer ...
Voip a Brief History
By Tony Heywood · 15 years ago
The use of Voip(voice over IP) is increasing rapidly year on year. It is predicted that by the end of 2009 there will be 256 million users of VOIP around the world. The advantages of ...
Five Reason to switch to VOIP for Business
By Tony Heywood · 16 years ago
Voip for Business, is it something you have thought about? If your business regardless of size using the telephone, and frankly what business doesn't, then you should really look at using Voip for Business use. ...