Author's articles

The Benefits Of Traveling Off-Peak
By Sintilia Miecevole · 18 years ago
The European Environment Information and Observation Network (EIONET) defines traveling off-peak as "traveling outside rush-hours to avoid overcrowding in public means of transport." This sounds all too simple and as we might expect - easier ...
Characteristics Of A Successful Entrepreneur
By Sintilia Miecevole · 18 years ago
Studies have shown that successful entrepreneurs possess these characteristics: 1. Self-confidence This is that magical power of having confidence in oneself and in one's powers and abilities. 2. Achievement Oriented Results are gained by focused ...
What Every Woman Should Know About Fashion
By Sintilia Miecevole · 18 years ago
If you are the average woman, knowing all the ins and outs of fashion is not something you have time to learn and research. With our busy lives, we just buy what we think will ...
What Is Country Music Anyway?
By Sintilia Miecevole · 18 years ago
When many people think of country music, they think of sad songs about lost loves, broken down trucks and runaway dogs. In their minds, they are hearing all of these woes sung in the traditional ...
Men Want A Classy Woman
By Sintilia Miecevole · 18 years ago
Ladies, this one is for you. Your mother always told you “Don’t give away the farm.” Yet men have been saying, “Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free?” It’s a ...
7 Tips For Beautiful Skin
By Sintilia Miecevole · 18 years ago
For most women, part of the morning and evening routines involve a skincare regimen of applying creams, moisturizers, tonics, lotions, and the like. Why do women put themselves through this? They do it primarily to ...
The Key To Protecting Your Money
By Sintilia Miecevole · 18 years ago
Have you ever experienced a major paradigm shift? You know, the kind where you think you already know something about something... But suddenly, you learn something new about that 'something' that changes your whole perspective ...
National Hockey League And The Stanley Cup
By Sintilia Miecevole · 18 years ago
Each team in the NHL plays 82 regular season games, 41 games at home and 41 on the road. Teams used to play all other teams in the league at least once, but this will ...
Building A Garden Fence
By Sintilia Miecevole · 18 years ago
They are privacy and shelter are two important things in the garden. The latter is often a problem in gardens which are exposed to cold prevailing winds. Both these points are important not only for ...
Auto Part Dealers Are Plentiful Both Locally And Online
By Sintilia Miecevole · 18 years ago
If you are like me, you are actually very clueless about the auto parts in your car. When something breaks or needs replacing, you need help deciding what you need to buy in order to ...
Controlling Type II Diabetes Through Diet And Exercise
By Sintilia Miecevole · 18 years ago
If you have been diagnosed with adult onset type II Diabetes, you may be able to control your condition through diet and exercise. Many people have genetic predispositions for adult onset diabetes, but the disease ...
Be Careful With Diet Pills
By Sintilia Miecevole · 18 years ago
If you are a person who has struggled with their weight and has a BMI, or body mass index, above a 27, the idea of a pill helping you lose weight is very appealing. Taking ...
Higher Education: Finding The Right College For You
By Sintilia Miecevole · 18 years ago
If you are approaching the end of high school and are ready to begin investigating colleges, there are several factors to consider before deciding what college is right for you. Whether you want to study ...
Making Your Own Music: Songwriting Basics
By Sintilia Miecevole · 18 years ago
Whether you are a teenager or are well into your golden years, it is never too late to explore your creative side, especially if you are interested in music. Songwriting is an excellent way to ...
The Most Popular Sports In The United States
By Sintilia Miecevole · 18 years ago
All around the globe, on any given day, you will find some sort of sports event on your local television station or on cable. With networks dedicated solely to sports, you can find things like ...
Find A Low Interest Mortgate For First Time Home Buyers
By Sintilia Miecevole · 18 years ago
If you are a first-time homebuyer, applying for a mortgage can be a very stressful situation. It is common for first-timers to become overwhelmed with all of the technical jargon and the variety of choices ...
7 Myths About Real Estate Investing That Are Costing You Tens Of Thousands Of Dollars
By Alex Nghiem · 18 years ago
Did you know that real estate investing has created more millionaires that ALL other industries combined? The question, then, is why are more people not invested in real estate? Even with the increased awareness in ...
Nutrition, Diet And Exercise
By Willie Jones · 18 years ago
Whether you are trying to lose weight or live an active healthy life style, nutrition and exercise are vital to your health. We have become as a whole in the western culture, a couch potato, ...
Leadership Is Action... Not Position
By Willie Jones · 18 years ago
People respond to good leadership! Period! It is in all aspects of our lives, not just business. A mother is a leader in her home; a son may be leader of a team sport or ...
Beauty, Is It Really Only Skin Deep?
By Willie Jones · 18 years ago
We are in the age of cosmetology, plastic surgery, implants and a constant barrage from TV and magazines that want to sell us beauty and weight loss products. It is an enormously profitable industry that ...