Author's articles

Maybe You Shouldn't Learn How to Get Your Ex Back
By Richard Keir · 17 years ago
I wrote an article a little while ago called "Is Learning How To Get Your Ex Back Right For You?" and what I seem to see from the responses to the article is that either ...
How To House Train a Dog - The First Step
By Richard Keir · 17 years ago
I do a lot of writing in various areas and much of it has to do with how to do things. Usually, the articles are fairly general and are related to more extensive and complex ...
Day Trading Forex Currency, Hype, Lies and TANSTAAFL
By Richard Keir · 17 years ago
Day trading Forex currency is all about making big money. Some investors have found it quite easy to make a large amount of money by day trading the Forex currency markets as they change hour ...
Is Learning How To Get Your Ex Back Right For You?
By Richard Keir · 17 years ago
You've got a serious problem if what you want is to learn how to get your ex back, but the relationship or marriage has already progressed to the "ex" stage. The first thing you must ...
Is Affiliate Marketing for Fools?
By Richard Keir · 17 years ago
Make money affiliate marketing. Make 1000's per month fast and easy. Top affiliates make 2000-3000 per day. Any of this sound familiar? Maybe I exaggerated a little, but you've heard the song, right? There are ...
The On Site RSS Feed - The Output Side of RSS Feeds
By Richard Keir · 17 years ago
I'm going to try to demystify some of the hazy confusion about having an RSS feed on site - and how it differs from having RSS feed items displayed on your site. My previous article, ...
RSS Feed Display - The Input Side of RSS Feeds
By Richard Keir · 17 years ago
The ongoing buzz about RSS feeds seems to still be almost matched by ongoing confusion. After a couple years of working with both sides of the RSS equation, site feeds and RSS feed display, I've ...
So What Is It About ATVs
By Richard Keir · 17 years ago
The first ATV (All Terrain Vehicle) actually was built with six wheels instead of four. It was developed sometime during the 1950s in Japan and was primarily desinged to deal with the mountainous topography and ...
Starting with a Water Garden
By Richard Keir · 17 years ago
Gardening is one of our primordial fascinations. For thousands of years humans have gardened and for most of that time a major part of our diet came out of our gardens. As we became better ...
Is there Any Hoodia in that Hoodia Weight Loss Product?
By Richard Keir · 17 years ago
Gotten any email spam lately with a 'warning' about buying fake Hoodia products or Hoodia products with a variety of fillers? Of course, they assure you that THEIR product is 'the original product.' It may ...
Amsterdam Red Light Nights
By Richard Keir · 18 years ago
Amsterdam is an increasingly popular tourist destination. Of course, it's always been a popular city for very good reasons including its location, friendliness and the open and very tolerant atmosphere. Today, rather than talk about ...
How About Designing Your Own Wedding Dress?
By Richard Keir · 18 years ago
As you probably have begun to realize, planning a wedding is both exciting and often more than a little nerve-wracking. Preparing for a ceremony as special as a wedding is plenty of cause for excitement ...
Make Your Relationship New Again
By Richard Keir · 18 years ago
Relationships are generally seen as our main source of support, love, self esteem, enthusiasm and pleasure. Naturally there are differences of degree and type when we look at our relationships with friends, coworkers and acquaintances ...
Body Jewelry and Piercings - Both Old and New
By Richard Keir · 18 years ago
You might think that body jewelry is a new phenomenon, but the reality is that body jewelry has been worn in one form or another for almost 30,000 years. It's certainly true that the techniques ...
IBM Notebook ThinkPad T43
By Richard Keir · 18 years ago
The IBM notebook version ThinkPad T43, one that is particularly targeted at professional buyers, has the speed and power to run any typical business application. The ThinkPad trade name of IBM notebook computers has garnered ...
Popular Celtic Jewelry Items
By Richard Keir · 18 years ago
While Celtic jewelry may be most popular among individuals of Irish decent, anyone is free to love and enjoy this enchanting jewelry and many do. Frequently Celtic wedding bands are selected as an alternative to ...
Yes, There Really is Useful Wedding Planning Software
By Richard Keir · 18 years ago
Wedding planning isn't an easy task. A wedding is an incredibly complicated undertaking - unless you plan to elope or just go downtown to the justice of the peace. For a relatively large, traditional wedding ...
If the Wedding Crasher Comes
By Richard Keir · 18 years ago
Movies quite naturally use nearly every aspect of our lives and traditions - often in odd ways. "The Wedding Crashers" - a pair of divorce mediators - crash weddings to find available women high on ...
Duplicate Content - Penalize Me, Please
By Richard Keir · 18 years ago
Building sites is an interesting thing to do. If you really enjoy having a bad time. No, actually, I love all this stuff, but I'm unable to figure out just what the search engines are ...
Thinking about Discount Notebook Computers
By Richard Keir · 18 years ago
While notebook computer prices have come down quite a lot, laptops still range from inexpensive notebook models to high end luxury jobs. Naturally, the notebook you eventually choose to buy will depend on your resources ...