Author's articles

"We Don't Know What We are Talking About" - Nobel Laureate David Gross
By Mike Strauss · 19 years ago
Science has reached an enormous impasse. From biology to physics, astronomy to genetics, the scientific community is reaching the limits of understanding which often presage a complete rethinking of long-accepted theories. So characteristic of this ...
Big Bang Booming - Back to the Future
By Mike Strauss · 19 years ago
Theoretical cosmologists spend much of their time perfecting what is now known as the 'Big Bang' theory. This concept originates from ideas percolating in the minds of scientists, theologians and astronomers down through the ages. ...
E=mc2 is Wrong - Einstein's Special Relativity Fundamentally Flawed
By Michael Strauss · 19 years ago
In 1905, Albert Einstein published 'On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies' now known as Special Relativity; this theory revolutionized geometry, math, physics, science and the classical perspective of the universe as understood since Newton's time. ...