Author's articles

Seven things about Laser Hair Removal.
By Dr. Phil Hariram · 16 years ago
FDA approved since 1995, Laser Hair Removal has improved the quality of life of thousands, especially female with male pattern hair growth. Removal of unwanted hair by laser is a major advance over treatment such ...
Is Asbestos Exposure a sleeping dragon?
By Dr. Phil Hariram · 16 years ago
Asbestos is a substance found naturally. It is made of strong flexible fibres. It was used extensively in industry because the fibres are not affected by heat or chemicals and a poor conductor of electricity. ...
Does a Magnet control pain in Arthritis?
By Dr Phil Hariram · 17 years ago
It is not clear whether magnets were discovered in China or Greece. In Traditional Chinese Medicine dating back to 2600BC, magnetic stones were used to correct imbalance in certain parts of the body. In the ...
Acid Reflux in Pregnancy.
By Dr Phil Hariram · 17 years ago
Acid reflux is a common condition in the West and there is a suggestion that it is increasing. Obesity is increasing in the West and since obesity can cause or worsen acid reflux, the increase ...
Success. A cause and effect.
By Dr Phil Hariram · 17 years ago
Felix Dennis, the publishing Tycoon reckons that to be rich you need confidence and unshakeable belief. It also helps to have tunnel vision, a thick skin, stamina and a capacity for hard work. So why ...
Ideas.Three steps to follow.
By Dr Phil Hariram · 17 years ago
A large income is a result of ideas…ideas put into action. Ideas are the spark plugs of success. Industries, fortunes, even empires have been built on ideas. Everything you buy is the projection of an ...