Author's articles

The Goldendoodle Dog
By Edie Mackenzie · 16 years ago
The Goldendoodle is very similar to the Labradoodle, as it is composed of a Golden Retriever and Poodle. Commonly referred to as a Dood, they were intentionally bred in the mid 1990s in North America ...
How Do I Puppy Proof My Home?
By Edie Mackenzie · 16 years ago
If there's one lesson that I've learned well as a dog owner, it's this: Before bringing that new puppy home, you want to puppy proof your home. Here's how you can do just that. Identify ...
The Joy Of Bringing Home A New Labradoodle Puppy
By Edie Mackenzie · 17 years ago
Have you ever wondered how much fun it is bringing a Labradoodle home and introducing them to your family? It true is a unique experience for the puppy and the family. Labradoodles are highly intelligent ...
How to Stop You Puppy From Jumping On Everybody
By Edie Mackenzie · 17 years ago
It wasn’t that long ago our Chessie/Golden mix, Sonagh, would go into a state of complete apoplexy with the arrival of guests. She would be completely out of her mind . . . to the ...
Why Playtime is Important For Your New Puppy
By Edie Mackenzie · 17 years ago
For your puppy play and exercise are inherently linked, because their idea of play involves jumping, romping, stretching, and any type of physical activity. And if you’re not careful it may get you in shape ...
The Comfort of Dogs
By Edie Mackenzie · 17 years ago
As I write this, it’s a cold (9 F and dropping!) Minnesota Sunday evening. The fireplace is roaring, the furnace chugging away and my dogs, as ever, are here with me. I just gave Sonagh ...
Designer Dogs or Dogs of Good Design: When and where was the line crossed?
By Edie Mackenzie · 17 years ago
For over 100,000 years, dogs and man have enjoyed a symbiotic and profitable relationship. And that association began when early wolves would scavenge near human encampments and enjoy the warmth of human fires. As time ...