Author's articles

Depression in Adolescence
By Janie Jonah · 17 years ago
Growing up is something we all have to face. This often brings with it the consequences that are not particularly welcome. Our biggest changes occur in our youth and in particularly during adolescence where we ...
Introduction to Alternative Treatments for Depression
By Janie Jonah · 17 years ago
There are a number of treatments available to sufferers of depression who are looking for more help than using antidepressants alone in fighting depression. Treatments ranging from herbs and acupuncture to guided imagery are all ...
Understanding Highly Sensitive People (HSPs)
By Janie Jonah · 17 years ago
You may be wondering just what is this group of people that are referred to as highly sensitive. We are not talking about a touching movie moment that seems to coincide with your partner getting ...
Brain Waves Accelerate Depression Drug Selection
By Janie Jonah · 17 years ago
In the USA alone, some reports estimate that approximately 20% of the population suffer from depression. Not all of those who suffer from depression seek help. Some are experiencing mild depression, whether over a matter ...
Calming Anger by Developing Emotional Responsibility
By Janie Jonah · 17 years ago
We all get angry sometimes. It is a natural reaction to events that lead us to believe that we deserve better or someone has wronged us and we feel that they absolutely must not do ...
Bipolar Disorder and the Symptoms
By Janie Jonah · 17 years ago
Bipolar disorder is also known as manic depression. Bipolar disorder is a psychological disorder that effects a person's mood. The mood swings are very extreme with a manic (high elation) phase and a very deep ...
Whats Anxiety and How do I Recognise the Symptoms
By Janie Jonah · 17 years ago
Most of us, if not all of us have felt nervous at one time or another in our lives. Public speaking is something that makes most of us nervous. All those eyes staring straight at ...
How to Recognise Depression
By Janie Jonah · 17 years ago
Mental health, not the sort of thing most people choose to talk about seriously. We've all heard the comments about 'Sad Sack', 'Mr Grumpy' or phrases like 'Smile, I'll pay for the stitches!' or 'Stop ...
Protect Your Children from Lung Cancer
By Janie Jonah · 17 years ago
In 2004 the UK alone had 153,397 deaths caused by cancer alone. Every year around 38,000 cases of lung cancer are diagnosed in the UK alone.The total population in the UK around that time was ...