Author's articles
Your Lifestyle Changes and Your Family
By Ainsley Laing · 17 years ago
Jane Doe is turning forty next month. Her husband, John, and she are healthy and keep regular exercise as part of their lives. They both feel that they eat right and are happy with their ...
The Science of Lust and Love
By Ainsley Laing · 17 years ago
Lust? Love? Is there a difference?
Thinking back to the last time you were newly in love, it will come as no surprise to you that the chemicals released into the blood when you were ...
Lessons From a Boomerang
By Ainsley Laing · 18 years ago
Resiliency: What does that word mean to you?
To me, it means learning from mistakes and using that knowledge to create positive change. Being resilient in the face of adversity requires that a person be ...