Author's articles

Age Spots - Two Reasons You Get Them and Three Ways To Get Rid Of Them
By Eileen Gravelle · 16 years ago
Most women hate them. Those odd-looking small brown spots that suddenly appear on your hands, face and chest - not as pretty as freckles nor as distinctive as moles - age spots. Most of us ...
Facial Exercises - A Facelift Without The Pain
By Eileen Gravelle · 17 years ago
No need to be worried by sagging jowls, crow's feet or frown lines – even if you hate the thought of surgery. Facial exercise can help you look younger without the pain and expense of ...
Spider Vein Creams - The Five Best Active Ingredients
By Eileen Gravelle · 17 years ago
A good spider vein cream can be a simple and affordable method of treatment for unsightly spider veins. Many women prefer to avoid clinical treatments or just simply can't afford to visit a private clinic. ...
Spider Veins - Ten Things You Really Ought To Know
By Eileen Gravelle · 17 years ago
You may have spider veins or you may just think you have but do you know anything about them? One thing that's for sure is that if you've got spider veins you probably wish you ...
The Effects of Stress - How Adrenaline Adds Years to Your Face
By Eileen Gravelle · 17 years ago
A threat is a threat as far as your subconscious mind is concerned. Whether real or imagined your brain reacts in the same way to any 'threat' - by pumping stress hormones into your bloodstream. ...