Author's articles

Researching Hoodia Gordonii
By Robert Schuster · 16 years ago
Amongst the San-People of the Kalahari, it was very well known that you could go days without a lot to eat, if you constantly nibbled some dried flesh of the Hoodia Gordonii. They needed this ...
Getting “Slim and Fit” with Hoodia Gordonii
By Robert Schuster · 16 years ago
Whenever you switch on the TV, whenever you open a magazine, there is almost certainly one topic in discussion: Being to heavy, Obesity, and how to get rid of unnecessary pounds. "Slim and Fit" are ...
Weight - a lifetime battle? Part 2
By Robert Schuster · 16 years ago
After my first baby was born, I found it very hard, impossible to be exact, to get back to my weight, which I had before giving birth. My appetite and my hunger were just too ...
Weight - a lifetime battle? Part 1
By Robert Schuster · 16 years ago
Weight – a lifetime battle If we look back to my "early years" I realise that I had problems with my weight as long as I can remember. I was a chubby during Kindergarden, I ...
What is Hoodia Gordonii?
By Robert Schuster · 17 years ago
Kingdom: Plantae Division: Magnoliophyta Class: Magnoliopsida Order: Gentianales Family: Apocynaceae Subfamily: Asclepiadoideae Tribe: Stapeliae Genus: Hoodia …….. And now under Hoodia, there would be 13 different species, one of them actually being Hoodia Gordonii. I ...