Author's articles

Alternatives to GM foods
By Mike Scantlebury · 16 years ago
In England, GM foods will always be associated with lies and deception. That's for a very good reason, because everything we have been told here about GM over the years is provably untrue. Take one ...
Alternatives to positive thinking
By Mike Scantlebury · 17 years ago
We all know the situation, it happens on the TV News every night. The person who's just been flooded out; or seen their house disappear off the end of a cliff or been burnt to ...
Alternatives To Story Telling
By Mike Scantlebury · 17 years ago
There aren't any! There, I've spoiled it for you, told you the ending before I even set the scene and outlined the case. Sorry, that's not very good practice, but it proves my point. We ...
Internet Authors are protest writers
By Mike Scantlebury · 17 years ago
Traditional Publishers take ages to notice a trend. In the 1980s it was so-called 'Magical Realism' that had to be around for a while before the people who put the books out noticed what it ...
Internet Authors Don't Need Needs
By Mike Scantlebury · 17 years ago
Okay, so you're an aspiring author or a wannabe writer and you're staring at the blank white page, wondering what to put on it. What would be the best thing to write about? What are ...
Alternatives to Torture, 1
By Mike Scantlebury · 17 years ago
We live in a tough old world. As a recent film tries to tell you, it's possible that you will be snatched off the street tomorrow by people you don't know, bound and gagged and ...
Alternatives to catching criminals
By Mike Scantlebury · 17 years ago
Working in the community can be hard work. Doing good isn't all that easy, especially when there's very little money and hardly any support to go round. Inevitably, a lot of time is spent trying ...
Alternatives to Viagra
By Mike Scantlebury · 17 years ago
This article is aimed at women. Why? Because, of course, yes, there are alternatives to Viagra but most men wouldn't be interested in them. They don't want an alternative. They want the dream. They've bought ...
Internet Authors aren't carnivores
By Mike Scantlebury · 17 years ago
When vegetarians want to be insulting, they call anyone who disagrees with them a 'carnivore'. That's inaccurate. No human being is a carnivore. People are omnivores. Generally speaking, -if you look around the world - ...
The 7 Levels of Publishing, Part Three
By Mike Scantlebury · 17 years ago
Previously in 'The 7 levels of publishing' – The First Level of Publishing is to receive a single copy of a book. The Second Level of Publishing is when you receive five copies. The Third ...
Internet Authors are the new Slush Pile
By Mike Scantlebury · 17 years ago
Traditional Publishers are strange people. They have a habit of wanting everything - even if it's completely contradictory. For instance, I've just read an article where an established publisher was complaining that the standard of ...
Alternatives to Education Meltdown
By Mike Scantlebury · 17 years ago
Why is it that education is never geared towards the majority? Does that sound harsh? Well, that's certainly the impression you would get if you listened to the latest debate about education in England. Check ...
The 7 Levels of Publishing, Part One
By Mike Scantlebury · 17 years ago
Many authors don't stop to think that they are not all the same. They don't all want the same thing. In fact, there are seven possible levels of achievement open to authors. The first is ...
Internet Authors aren't Newspaper Columnists
By Mike Scantlebury · 17 years ago
The problem with the internet is that it changes so fast, and develops in so many different ways, that ordinary people have problems keeping up with it. Worse, they don't see new things as they ...
Why Internet Authors don't need Critics
By Mike Scantlebury · 17 years ago
I love to help people, and I'm always ready to give advice to people who ask. For instance, there's a lot of people out there seeking advice because they've written a book. A lot of ...