Author's articles

Naturopathic medicine
By Mark Hutten · 16 years ago
Naturopathic medicine has been described as "any of various systems of healing or treating disease (as chiropractic, homeopathy, or faith healing) not included in the traditional medical curricula taught in the United States and Britain". ...
Stop the Bully
By Mark Hutten · 16 years ago
In a recent national survey of students in grades 6 to 10, 13 percent reported bullying others, 11 percent reported being the target of bullies, and another 6 percent said they bullied others and were ...
Parenting Children With Oppositional Defiant Disorder
By Mark Hutten, M.a. · 16 years ago
Children with ODD need to learn to take responsibility for their behavior and not use their diagnosis or disability as an excuse for inappropriate behavior. They need help learning how to: · Set limits · ...
Help for Troubled Teens
By Mark Hutten, M.a. · 16 years ago
Troubled Teens— Troubled teens are often confused and frightened. They affect everyone in their life; mom, dad, brothers and sisters -- the entire family unit. Troubled teens have more of a negative impact than they ...
Childhood Disintegrative Disorder
By Mark Hutten · 16 years ago
Children with Childhood disintegrative disorder ( CDD) appear to develop normally for the first two years of life, but then lose skills in areas such as language, play, and bowel control and manifest impaired social ...