Author's articles

Gastritis: A Brief Overview
By Fris Arvz · 17 years ago
What is gastritis? Gastritis, as any medical book would describe it, is the inflammation of the stomach lining. The term itself was derived from the Greek terms gastro- which literally means stomach, and –itis meaning ...
The Science Behind the Terror
By Fris Arvz · 17 years ago
Fear. People will either go out of their way to find it and revel in the fact that they're being terrified out of their skulls. Or they'll do whatever it takes to avoid it the ...
Abuse: Spotting Signs of Emotional Wear and Tear
By Fris Arvz · 17 years ago
Relationships with other people can often play the role of "bread and butter" in a person's life. As social creatures, human beings are drawn to one another for a variety of biological and psychological reasons. ...
The Roots of the Anxiety Problem
By Fris Arvz · 17 years ago
Anxiety is a bit of a common phenomenon in today's stress-filled world. Most people have already experienced the sudden palpitations, the sweaty palms, and that overwhelming sense of dread. People inherently understand the power that ...
Are You Stressed Out?
By Fris Arvz · 17 years ago
For most people, work is a significant and meaningful feature of life with the majority of us spending around 25% of our adult lives working. While work can provide us with structure, purpose, satisfaction, self-esteem, ...
In Your Skin: Some Facts on the Body's Largest Organ
By Fris Arbes · 17 years ago
The skin is the biggest organ in our body. It is the most important organ of all the other parts in the body, since this protects all the other organs working inside our bodies. Imagine ...
Don't Let Grapefruit Juice Squeeze the Juice Out of You
By Fris Arbes · 17 years ago
Viagra. Cialis. Levitra. These brand names for prescription oral phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5) inhibitors have become increasingly popular with men who suffer from impotence or erectile dysfunction, a condition marked by the ability to achieve ...