Author's articles

Is Solar Energy a Reliable and Practical Source of Electrical Power?
By Martin Barwise · 16 years ago
You have probably heard it said by environmental groups that we should switch to solar energy as a power source because it is free, there is an unlimited supply, and it is a cleaner source ...
The Relationship Between Recycling and the Reduction of Greenhouse Gas Emissions
By Martin Barwise · 16 years ago
Greenhouse gas emissions are known to be directly related to the perceived heightened warming of the earth's oceans and near-surface air. But how does recycling help in cutting back on greenhouse gas emissions? Recycling is ...
Understanding Global Warming and How It Affects You
By Martin Barwise · 16 years ago
The phenomenon known as global warming is already here and affecting us even as we speak. But many people are still ignorant of what this phenomenon is and how it affects even ordinary folk like ...
Understanding the Carbon Footprint and How It Affects the Environment
By Martin Barwise · 16 years ago
First of all, the term carbon footprint refers to a measurement of greenhouse gases released by human activities based on the amount of carbon dioxide units that is produced. This helps scientists and government decision ...