Author's articles

Central Auditory Processing Disorders
By Anthony Kane Md · 16 years ago
Some children have normal hearing ability but have difficulty using information they hear in academic and social situations. These children may have a Central Auditory Processing Disorder. Children who have this difficulty are able to ...
Is Your Child Touch Sensitive?
By Anthony Kane Md · 16 years ago
Does your child hate to have his feet touched? Do certain fabrics bother him because they are scratchy? Does your child refuse to touch anything sticky, slimy, or dirty with his hands? Does your daughter ...
Oppositional Defiant Disorder: What is New
By Anthony Kane Md · 16 years ago
Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) is a childhood behavior disorder. Children with this condition tend to be more aggressive and intenionally try to irritate others. The behavior of ODD children interferes with their social interactions both ...
What to Do When Your Child Hits You
By Anthony Kane Md · 16 years ago
Recently, a number of parents have contacted me about their children's violent behavior. These children, usually 2-6 years old, have started to strike out at anyone who denies them what they wish, including their parents. ...
The Parent as a Role Model
By Anthony Kane Md · 16 years ago
A parent once asked a well known educator, "At what point should I begin to prepare for raising my child?" "How old are you?" the educator inquired. "Twenty-three." "You should begin twenty-three years ago." What ...
Conduct Disorder, the Most Serious Disruptive Behavior Disorder
By Anthony Kane Md · 16 years ago
If your child has Oppositional Defiant Disorder, I am sure you have often felt that things could not get much worse. Well, in case you ever felt that way, I am going to put things ...
What to Do If Your Child Steals?
By Anthony Kane Md · 16 years ago
A frequent problem that we as parents come across is what to do when your child steals. There are many reasons a child might steal and a number of ways to handle the issue. Young ...
Bad Friends For Your Teen
By Anthony Kane Md · 16 years ago
Recently, a well known educator and speaker on parenting issues made a list of all the difficult questions parents had been asking him about their teens. He noticed that of all the issues that are ...
Child Obedience in 7 Steps
By Anthony Kane Md · 16 years ago
Learning to obey is the most vital part of your child's growth. This is the means by which you as parents train your child. Through obedience your child will learn self-discipline and acquire other positive ...