Author's articles

Career Profile: Become a Physician’s Assistant
By Cecily Kellogg · 17 years ago
Are you looking for a stable career with continual innovation and variety? Do you enjoy working with people and have a knack for science and medicine? If so, you may want to consider becoming a ...
Spotlight: The Top Ten Fastest Growing Allied Health Careers
By Cecily Kellogg · 17 years ago
According the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the health care field is the largest industry in the United States today—employing over 13 million wage and salary workers in 2004. Of the twenty fastest growing occupations today, ...
Student Financial Aid: Paying For College
By Cecily Kellogg · 17 years ago
The decision to attend a vocational-technical college is an extremely important one. The specialized education and training will provide you with the necessary tools and knowledge to be successful in the career of your choice. ...
Careers in the Trade Basics
By Cecily Kellogg · 17 years ago
For some people, a day’s work doesn’t count for much if it doesn’t involve getting their hands dirty or breaking a sweat. If you are a "get down and get dirty" kind of person, you ...
The Best Investment: You And Your Career
By Cecily Kellogg · 17 years ago
There is no denying it; a college degree is the best investment you can make in your career. College graduates earn more, receive more promotions, and hold better jobs than those with only a high ...
Choose Your Career: Don't Let It Choose You
By Cecily Kellogg · 17 years ago
So, you’ve taken a good long look at your life and have realized that the time has come to set aside those dull hourly-wage jobs and pursue a career. Sometimes it can take years to ...
Becoming An Educator: Choosing The Right Degree Program For You
By Cecily Kellogg · 17 years ago
W.B. Yeats said, "Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire." If you want to be the one to light the fire for learning in the hearts of students, ...
Testing, Testing: Psychometrics Evaluate Human Potential
By Cecily Kellogg · 17 years ago
In the wide field of psychology—the study of the human mind—there hasn’t always been an emphasis on rigorous assessment and evaluation. After all, psychology is, typically, about the inner workings of the mind of the ...
What Can I Do With My Undergraduate Psychology Degree?
By Cecily Kellogg · 17 years ago
The instinctive answer to the question of what to do with a psychology degree is, "Be a psychologist!" But in order to become a professional psychologist, you need a master’s or even a doctoral degree. ...
The Field of Psychology: What degrees are available?
By Cecily Kellogg · 17 years ago
Psychology is the science of the human mind and behavior—the study of the what and why of humanity. If you find the inner workings of the human mind fascinating, you might find that the field ...
Psychology: The Study of the Human Mind
By Cecily Kellogg · 17 years ago
Why are children stubborn? Why do some people become addicted to alcohol or gambling? How do you help an abused child? All of these are difficult and challenging questions that the field of psychology is ...
Avoiding the Scams: Accreditation and Diploma Mill
By Cecily Kellogg · 17 years ago
You’ve found the online program you want, all you to do is click, pay, and you are in! Is it too good to be true? Well, yes. You can end up not getting the education ...
How to Choose an Online Degree Program
By Cecily Kellogg · 17 years ago
Online Learning Sounds Right For Me! How do I choose a program? Ready to dig into the details and choose the online learning program that best fits your needs and circumstances? Trying to choose the ...