Author's articles

What is Personal Development and Why Should You Invest?
By Denise Pederson · 16 years ago
If you are like me, you want the maximum interest rate on a CD, the greatest appreciation on your real estate, and Bull Market returns on stock investments, right? I took the time to learn ...
Shortcuts to Success for Giving Feedback
By Denise Pederson · 16 years ago
Are you getting the reactions that you want when you have to deliver less than positive feedback to someone? Or do you get a confused look with your neutral directions? This is a very quick ...
6-S for More Brain Power - Shortcuts to Success
By Denise Pederson · 16 years ago
I have a list six things to do every day to maintain your physical health. I’m calling them the 6-S Steps to Success. This is a list of quick little things you can do that ...
The Secret of Changing Your Perception of Failure to Overcome Low Self Esteem
By Denise Pederson · 16 years ago
Would you take advice from a failure? I’m going to guess that some of you responded with a resounding NO! People with low self esteem, and it seems from my practice, particularly women with low ...
How Would You Like the Ability to Turn on Your Creativity at Will?
By Denise Pederson · 16 years ago
You CAN turn on your creativity at will, simply by applying what we know from doctors, researchers, and biofeedback specialists. When the human brain is operating between 8-12 Hz, it is in the Alpha wave ...
Do you have a personal "Elevator Speech"?
By Denise Pederson · 16 years ago
Are you familiar with the concept of an "elevator" speech? It’s a little speech that people involved in networking are supposed to have prepared and memorized in answer to the question "And what do you ...
It's a brand new year - but will you get it right this time?
By Denise Pederson · 16 years ago
It’s a brand new year – but will you get it right this time? Well, a few of you have actually put down your goals in writing! Congratulations, that is the first step to getting ...