Author's articles

Veterinary Acupuncture Tips
By Erica J Miles · 16 years ago
Veterinary acupuncture is increasing in popularity as more and more people seek out alternative treatments for their beloved pets. This treatment considers the patient as an organism having unified energetic parts rather than considering individual ...
A Great Cake Decorating Frosting Recipe
By Erica J Miles · 16 years ago
Many people think that cake decorating frosting is difficult to make. Nothing could be further from the truth, as you will see be following the recipes outlined in this article. Here is a simple cake ...
How To Keep A Man Happy In Bed Is Something Every Woman Needs To Know
By Erica J Miles · 16 years ago
Every woman knows that when your man is not happy in bed then you have a problem. This will usually lead to your man cheating on you with someone else. So learning how to keep ...
Why Do Men Get Scared In Relationships?
By Erica J Miles · 16 years ago
Many men would like to have a relationship with a woman, but for various reasons they cannot. Sometimes it comes down to being scared. Often times they do not understand why or even realize that ...
Three Making Your Man Happy Tips
By Erica J Miles · 16 years ago
When you are in a relationship you have to do everything you can to make sure you keep your man happy. This is important if you don't want them to leave you for someone else. ...
What Are The Reasons Men Cheat In Love Relationships?
By Erica J Miles · 16 years ago
Here are a few reasons men cheat. Men who cheat in love relationships may cheat for one of these different reasons. One: Sometimes old habits die hard or not at all. When a man cheats ...
Keeping A Man Happy Can Be Easy To Do
By Erica J Miles · 16 years ago
Women everywhere are always looking for ways that they can make their man happy because when you don't make them happy they will move onto another woman that can. When you want to keep your ...
Six Things To Keep A Man Happy
By Erica J Miles · 16 years ago
One: Men like to be respected. You want to do everything you can to let your man know that you do respect them because if they feel like you don't than this will make them ...