Author's articles

Good remedy For Armpit Sweating; Unearth it!
By Francis K. Githinji · 17 years ago
How do you explain a foul stench just as you are stepping out of your lavatory door, how about that horrible stain under your shirt/blouse sleeves due to Armpit sweating as you rush to that ...
No more anxiety sweat; it’s upsetting.
By Francis K. Githinji · 17 years ago
Ever thought of anxiety sweat? Out of the blue, your boss ask you to address a group of furious personnel or worse still to represent your company in an international trade fair meeting, what happens ...
Tips And Advice On How To Make Your Love Life Romantic
By Francis K. Githinji · 17 years ago
Romance in relationships is always kept lively by involvement of both parties. Think outside the box for a while. Is there something new that you could try? Ladies – why not let your husband shave ...