Author's articles

Four Easy Steps for Speaking Concisely
By Lynda Stucky · 15 years ago
The price of gasoline keeps going up and new ways to be fuel efficient and conserve more are ever present in today's economy. Can we do the same with our speech? To speak more effectively ...
The Important Role of Intonation in Speech
By Lynda Stucky · 15 years ago
If you have ever learned another language you know how difficult it is to master. There are different pronunciations of sounds, different grammar rules and some intonation or inflection changes that are complicated and difficult ...
Use Gestures to Enhance Your Message
By Lynda Stucky · 15 years ago
The speaker looked me in the eye and held my attention for six seconds. As he spoke, he smiled at me and extended his hand warmly. Making a point in this brief engage, he stepped ...
Straight Talk About Stifling Speaking Skills
By Lynda Stucky · 15 years ago
Here is the Top Ten List that indicates you may need some help developing your speaking skills in the work place. 1. You hear yourself on tape and you refuse to believe that it is ...