Author's articles

Meaning of Dzi Beads
By Stacio Mcbryar · 14 years ago
dZi (pronounced Zee) has its origins in Tibet and is used to describe an agate bead of different patterns mainly with cylindrical or tubular shape and is called "Heaven's Bead" in China. Such beads are ...
Feng Shui Fuk Luk Sau
By Silvia Blach · 15 years ago
The Three Star Gods, Fuk, Luk, and Sau are very famous in Chinese culture. These three represents the gods of longevity, happiness, and rank. Although they are being referred to as god, they are not ...
Pi Yao - Feng Shui Fortune Attractor
By Silvia Blach · 15 years ago
Feng Shui can be translated as "the way," and following a rich history for thousands of years, it has been a practice that has guided so many towards the path to good life, good fortune, ...
Feng Shui Tortoises
By Silvia Blach · 15 years ago
Feng Shui has proven itself as an essential guide to life to its many believers and practitioners for hundreds of years. Originating from traditional Chinese customs, Feng Shui has brilliantly been adapted into the modern ...
Feng Shui Windchimes
By Silvia Blach · 15 years ago
Feng Shui cures have been around for centuries, and as traditional Chinese beliefs put it, these remedies have also been tried and tested for their effectiveness in improving many aspects of life. Even more importantly, ...
Cooking Chinese Food Is Easy
By Silvia Blach · 15 years ago
Chinese cooking has yielded some of the most delicious foods that are available, but you may feel as if the techniques used to prepare and cook the foods are too complicated or unfamiliar to produce ...
Chinese Cooking Utensils
By Keith Yao · 15 years ago
Cooking Chinese food is simple when you have the right cooking utensils. For most Chinese food recipes, you will need at least two basic utensils, the wok and a slatted spoon that is designed specifically ...
Indian Breakfast
By Silvia Blach · 15 years ago
Breakfast is said to be the most important meal of the day. And in countries like India, breakfast is another opportunity to showcase their colorful and flavorful cuisine. In India, there are various breakfast meals ...