Author's articles

Choosing the Best Debt Management Option
By Rizza Davis · 14 years ago
Are you having a hard time to settle your debts? Harassed by the unending calls of collection agents? Or getting worried about losing your home or your car? You are certainly not alone. Many people ...
Foreclosure in the U.S. Can Breed Scam Artists
By Rizza Davis · 14 years ago
The United States and other countries have been experiencing foreclosure problems for the past few years and sadly, the numbers are still continuously increasing. However, various media have proven to be much help in helping ...
The Roles of a Debt Reduction Law Center in Debt Management
By Rizza Davis · 14 years ago
Consulting a debt reduction law center or a financial expert is one of the first things that people troubled about debt consider to help them come up with a solution to their financial worries. Unfortunately, ...
Budgeting Tips for Financially-Independent Women
By Rizza Davis · 14 years ago
Women have certainly come a long way from being depicted as dependent housewives and have become career-oriented and financially-independent individuals. However, most of these working women would readily admit that they still find it difficult ...