Author's articles
Quit Smoking to Save Your Life
By Jameson Parker · 14 years ago
Increase in number of people addicted to smoking is alarming. According to National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) conducted in 2006, the estimated number of smokers in US is 47.1 million. Out of which 26.2 million ...
Benefits of Physical Exercise
By Jameson Parker · 14 years ago
Physical activity is described as any action that dissipates energy. Exercise is a part of physical activity, which is structured and planned. Physical activity and exercise need energy, apart from spending energy. It also helps ...
Nobel Laureates of 2009
By Jameson Parker · 14 years ago
The Nobel Prizes are universally regarded as the most prestigious and renowned awards given for intellectual performance in the world. The Nobel Foundation started in 1900 based on the will and testament of Alfred Nobel ...
Women Nobel Laureates in 2009
By Jameson Parker · 14 years ago
The Nobel Foundation started in 1900 based on the will and testament of Alfred Nobel written on 27th November 1895. As per his wish, the award should be given to those who make outstanding contributions ...
Know the Importance of Recycling Plastic
By Jameson Parker · 14 years ago
Plastic waste is one of the main causes for intense soil and water pollution. Plastic recycling is considered as one of the advantageous solution to the increased plastic waste in environment. Plastic recycling is the ...
Simple Steps to Overcome Stress and Avoid Harmful Effects
By Jameson Parker · 15 years ago
Stress is a part of daily life for many people today. Some amount of stress is generally protective and adaptive. It helps our mind and body to face the challenges in difficult situations and to ...
Nobel laureates of 2007
By Jameson Parker · 15 years ago
The Nobel Foundation started in 1900 based on the will and testament of Alfred Nobel written on 27th November 1895. As per his wish, the award should be given to those who make outstanding contributions ...