Author's articles

Should You Be a Big Fish in Two Ponds?
By Jeff Beals · 12 years ago
On a dark and stormy night... Yeah, I know what you're thinking. No serious writer would start his article with such a tired old cliché. You probably think I'm some boorish amateur. But seriously, it ...
A Powerful Sales Technique Courtesy of Honest Abe
By Jeff Beals · 12 years ago
If you ask any historian to name the greatest leaders in western civilization, there's a good chance the 16th president of the United States will make the list. He willed his country to victory in ...
Networking as Your Sole Marketing Vehicle
By Jeff Beals · 12 years ago
As people realize we like them and respect their opinions, they share information about themselves that can be helpful in analyzing whether they can use our products or services. So says Canadian businessman Michael J. ...
Lessons from a Shopping Mall
By Jeff Beals · 12 years ago
On a cloudless summer day in suburban Chicago, a woman put her two children in the car and drove to the shopping mall. There she met one of her best girlfriends, who also came to ...