Author's articles

Stay Hydrated in Summer Heat--Especially Seniors
By Vicki Rackner · 13 years ago
Do Sweat the Heat...Dehydration is Big Stuff by Vicki Rackner MD July 2010 Here's something to remember on lazy summer days. Drink up! Your body's fluid reserves work just like your checking account. You stay ...
Grover's Disease: Why Me and Why Now?
By Vicki Rackner · 13 years ago
If you're a patient with Grover's Disease, you may have gone to bed one night feeling perfectly fine, only to wake in the morning with an itchy rash on your back. You may have wondered ...
Fall Prevention for Seniors: Bathroom Safety Tips
By Vicki Rackner · 14 years ago
Fall Prevention for Seniors: 10 Tips for Bathroom Safety By Dr. Vicki Rackner Your aging parents tell you they want to stay in the home they love. You want to honor their wishes, yet you ...
Releasing Caregiver Regrets
By Vicki Rackner · 14 years ago
Releasing Caregiver Regrets: You can lose the weight of regrets Most caregivers have regrets. They wonder whether they've done too much or too little, too early or too late, too harshly or too passively. They ...