Author's articles

How to deliver leaflets
By Cass Akberian · 14 years ago
I'm afraid too many folk approach the job of delivering leaflets door to door with the idea of "low skill", "no thought required" and "that'll do". As you may imagine they will not do well ...
Leaflet Distribution
By Cass Shore · 14 years ago
My experiences as a leafleter God it's a hard job! Certainly when you are not used to it. Not that it's all bad - far from it I'd say there are many benefits. Perhaps I ...
Leaflet Distribution
By Cass Shore · 14 years ago
Leaflet handouts have been with us as a means of informing the public at large since, at least, 1658 and the Restoration when "subversives" (that's the general term for people who actively disagree with other ...