Author's articles

Instilling Pride ~ A Key to Eliciting Excellence
By Michael Beck · 13 years ago
Eliciting excellence in others is the essence of leadership, and one of the most effective means of eliciting excellence is to instill a sense of pride in those around us. Instilling pride has a myriad ...
The Zen of Leadership
By Michael Beck · 13 years ago
There are many aspects to leadership that parallel the philosophies, concepts, and perspectives of Zen Buddhism. I don't profess to have a great depth of knowledge regarding Zen Buddhism, but from the insights I do ...
Most Companies Get Leadership Wrong
By Michael Beck · 13 years ago
Most companies take a good approach to developing leaders, but generally miss the point. There's a lot of emphasis placed on good decision making, effective communication, and team building. And all those are important, but ...
Don't Bother Setting Goals
By Michael Beck · 13 years ago
Don't bother setting goals. It's a waste of time. Let me explain why I feel this way about goals and then offer a better alternative. See if this scenario sounds familiar. You decide to work ...
Stop Trying to Be Normal
By Michael Beck · 14 years ago
Stop trying to be normal. It undermines your success and keeps you in a state of mediocrity. It's an interesting phenomenon. This idea of being "normal" starts to take hold in high school. There begins ...