Author's articles

What is Tubal Ligation, and can it be Successfully Reversed?
By Lisa Olson · 13 years ago
Simply put, tubal ligation is female sterilization. It is a procedure whereby the fallopian tubes are severed, sealed, closed, or clamped to prevent the fertilization of an egg. The procedure is commonly known as having ...
What are Uterine Fibroids and How Do they Affect Female Fertility?
By Lisa Olson · 13 years ago
A description of uterine fibroids, including a look at what they are, how they develop, the symptoms they display, and how they can be treated. Learn how uterine fibroids can affect a woman's fertility, and ...
What are Ovarian Cysts and How are they Linked with Female Infertility?
By Lisa Olson · 13 years ago
A description of ovarian cysts, including a look at their causes, symptoms and treatments. Learn what kinds of women are at risk of developing them, and how ovarian cysts are linked with female infertility. The ...
What are the Main Causes of Miscarriage, and How can they be Avoided?
By Lisa Olson · 13 years ago
Clinically put, a miscarriage is defined as the early and unplanned termination of a pregnancy. Emotionally, it is much more than that. Expectant parents often feel an innate sense of sadness and failure when they ...
How can Women Monitor their Cycles and Determine when Ovulation Occurs?
By Lisa Olson · 13 years ago
In order to get pregnant (or to reduce the risk of pregnancy if no form of contraception is being used), it is important for a woman to understand the different phases in her menstrual cycle, ...
What Treatments are Available for Couples Struggling to Conceive?
By Lisa Olson · 13 years ago
One of the most upsetting and traumatic experiences a relationship can endure is the inability to conceive. Such infertility can occur for a number of reasons. Some factors relate solely to the female or male ...
What Risks are Associated with Getting Pregnant in Old Age?
By Lisa Olson · 13 years ago
Advances in fertility treatment have progressed significantly since the 1970s, when the first IVF test tube baby was born in the UK. But it can still take quite some time to recognize and diagnose fertility ...
How does a Woman's Fertility Change with Age?
By Lisa Olson · 13 years ago
It is medically proven that the best time for a woman to bear children is between the ages of 20 and 35. By the age of 20, most women have reached full physiological and sexual ...
What is Endometriosis and How does it Affect Female Fertility?
By Lisa Olson · 13 years ago
A description of endometriosis, a common condition affecting 5%-10% of women. The symptoms of endometriosis are presented, along with a discussion of its affect on female fertility and its possible causes and treatments. Endometriosis is ...
How to Naturally Increase Female Fertility
By Lisa Olson · 13 years ago
When we talk about "fertility", we usually associate it with the ability to conceive a baby. When you really are ready to start a family, though, you must adopt a different perspective, defining fertility not ...
Common Causes of Male Infertility
By Lisa Olson · 13 years ago
Many people have found difficulty in achieving pregnancy. Typically, the first reaction is to think that something is wrong with the female, but all too often there is a problem with the male. Most couples ...
How to Increase Your Chances of Getting Pregnant
By Lisa Olson · 13 years ago
Every woman has at least one good friend who seems to conceive just by saying the word "baby". Every woman also has a close friend who desperately tries to conceive but cannot. But no matter ...
Can Lubricants Really Decrease Your Chances of Getting Pregnant?
By Lisa Olson · 13 years ago
Why Use Lubricants When Trying to Conceive? A common problem for couples who are trying to conceive is vaginal dryness. The lack of a moist vaginal environment during intercourse can be painful, even harmful, for ...