Author's articles

Journaling a Letter to Your Former Self
By Mari L. Mccarthy · 12 years ago
When we look back on the past – whether just yesterday or many years ago, sometimes we think, "I wish I knew then what I know now." To help find peace of mind in the ...
Quote, Unquote: Finding Journaling Opportunity in the Words of Others
By Mari L. Mccarthy · 13 years ago
Journal writing can sometimes seem to corner you. While on most days, your pen scribbles without hesitation, sometimes you can't think of a thing to say. Or sometimes you have the opposite problem: there's so ...
Journaling Tricks: 10 Things I Love
By Mari L. Mccarthy · 13 years ago
Do you sometimes experience one of those terrible, horrible, no good, very bad days like the hero of the Judith Viorst book? The kind of day when it feels impossible to break out of a ...
Musical Journal Therapy
By Mari Mccarthy · 13 years ago
Journal writing is like a 6th sense, a value-adding tool for perception that allows us to experience and know ourselves and our surroundings. Journaling is a reaction to what is happening, both inside and out. ...
Keep a Gratitude Journal and Get Happy
By Mari L. Mccarthy · 13 years ago
Despite the advice that comes to us from every direction these days to keep a positive attitude, actually doing that all the time or even most of the time is far more easily said than ...
Holiday Journal Therapy
By Mari L. Mccarthy · 13 years ago
The holiday season is a time of great celebration, but if you have recently lost someone who was very close to you, the holidays can be painful and hard to endure. You are grieving, yet ...