Author's articles

African Investment Part 2: The challenges of investing in and with Communities
By William Jimerson · 12 years ago
Investing in Africa requires a certain level of business maturity and sophistication (see African investment part 1: Africa is an opportunity to get investment right, on this website) that goes well beyond pure financial erudition. ...
African investing Part 1: Africa is an opportunity to get investment right
By Will Jimerson · 12 years ago
Africa is a unique investment destination for many obvious and well discussed reasons. Perhaps the most obvious is the fact that it is now recognised as one of the last places on earth where super ...
How serious is political risk for private equity in Africa?
By Will Jimerson · 12 years ago
Just as Africa is being touted as the last investment frontier capable of delivering super returns, the recent populist ousting of Egyptian president, Hosni Mubarak, and Tunisian president, Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali, has raised for ...
Don't segment Africa into investment regions
By Will Jimerson · 13 years ago
Private equity and other investors who haven’t spent time on the ground are making the fundamental mistake of trying to segment the African continent by region. For instance, at the inaugural Super Returns Africa 2010 ...
The key to private equity performance in Africa in 2011 will be the consumer
By Will Jimerson · 13 years ago
Volumes in 2011 are poised to be higher than 2010 but the general trends in private equity in Africa will remain consistent with those seen in the past several years – and be focused primarily ...
Africa is the final investment frontier
By William Jimerson · 13 years ago
Africa is the last place on earth where investors will be able to make ‘super’ returns. Over time, GDP growth in Africa is expected to outpace that in most developing economies, including the BRICS (Brazil, ...
Emerging economies are ripe for high-return investment
By Will Jimerson · 13 years ago
Yes, investing in an emerging economy is challenging. It’s also incredibly rewarding – because, if you do it right, it’s a way of making significant money while also making a direct and profound difference to ...