Author's articles

Multiplication's Fun Facts for the Numbers One to Twelve
By Olivia Chandler · 12 years ago
Some multiplication facts are also tricks that may help students in the quest for faster factoring without memorization for the numbers one through twelve. The easiest multiplication rule to remember is the factors of one, ...
How Addition Programs Your Computer
By Olivia Chandler · 13 years ago
Computers are such an integral part of the developed world that in the year 1999, widespread fear of systems failing at midnight on January 1, 2000, sent millions of people in a panic to purchase ...
Everyday Applications of Addition
By Olivia Chandler · 13 years ago
According to the Merriam Webster definition, addition is: a part added, the act of process of adding; especially the operation of combining numbers so as to obtain an equivalent simple quantity. Addition is used in ...