Author's articles

Is your Dog like a Wolf?
By Kerrana Mcavoy · 13 years ago
Dogs have been "man’s best friend" for a great many years and their various behaviours have sparked the interest of dog-owners and scientists alike. Their close relations, like the grey wolf (Canis Lupus) make an ...
The Best Ways to Make Your Horse Happy
By Kerrana Mcavoy · 13 years ago
For their size, horses have delicate digestive systems. They are grazing animals with small stomachs designed to process small amounts of food almost continuously. Which means that when we confine them we must be careful ...
Dog Training : Best Tips
By Kerrana Mcavoy · 13 years ago
Every dog-owner will experience the highs and lows of training their dog. This requires a great deal of patience but the process should be positive for both the owner and the animal. This article looks ...
Why pamper your dog?
By Kerrana Mcavoy · 13 years ago
Dog grooming is important for the overall health and wellbeing of the animal. In today’s society we have a wide choice of grooming parlours, but this was not always the case. This article explores the ...