Author's articles

My Oral Surgeon Warned Me About Wisdom Tooth Extraction
By Katie Freimuth · 13 years ago
When you hear the phrase dental surgery, do you cringe? I, for one, hate anything that has to do with a dentist. That's why I was so terrified when I found out that I would ...
Wisdom Tooth Extraction And Other reasons For Extraction
By Katie Freimuth · 13 years ago
Thinking about surgery, any type of surgery, let alone oral surgery can cause a person to have nightmares. The most important thing is to get educated. Ask your dentist and oral surgeon about the surgery ...
Personal Injury Attorney Danbury
By Katie Freimuth · 13 years ago
I found myself doing a search on the internet for personal injury attorney Danbury. I didn't think I would ever need any personal injury attorneys, but I had the unfortunate luck to be in a ...