Author's articles

Passion and Addiction
By Bruce Wilson · 2 years ago
Passion and Addiction Bruce Wilson, PhD “I am not what happened to me, I am what I choose to become.”- C.G. Jung How do passion and addiction differ? How are they similar? Could our passion ...
Planetosis and Denial
By Bruce Wilson · 2 years ago
Planetosis and Denial Bruce Wilson, PhD Planetosis: n. “A sick planet which has a cold, a fever, and some kind of weird infection. v. To be worried sick about the health of the planet, because ...
Fear and Freedom
By Bruce Wilson · 2 years ago
Fear and Freedom Bruce Wilson, PhD “Ultimately we know deeply that the other side of every fear is freedom.” Marilyn Ferguson When we have fear, we build walls to feel protected. These walls may protect ...
Our Tunnel-Vision
By Bruce Wilson · 2 years ago
Our Tunnel-Vision Bruce Wilson, PhD What pushes us to have tunnel-vision? That is, the mindset that is only focused on a particular aim, and will not notice or consider anything else. Are there any psychological ...
Are You a River or a Pond?
By Bruce Wilson · 2 years ago
Are You a River or a Pond? Bruce Wilson, PhD “Weakness of attitude becomes weakness of character.”- Albert Einstein Dualities Present day life is full of dualities. We are constantly inundated by oppositional views and ...
A Metaverse Reality
By Bruce Wilson · 2 years ago
A Metaverse Reality Bruce Wilson, PhD Meta comes from the Greek prefix and preposition meta, which means “after” or “beyond.” When combined with words in English, meta- often signifies “change” or “alteration” as in the ...
Adversarial Relationships
By Bruce Wilson · 2 years ago
Adversarial Relationships Bruce Wilson, PhD How do we handle relationships, couples, friends, family, or work colleagues, that are oppositional or adversarial? Are there strategies that work better than others? Could people who do not think ...
Play Fully
By Bruce Wilson · 2 years ago
Play Fully Bruce Wilson, PhD George Bernard Shaw said: “We don’t stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” This may be an understatement. In the late 1930’s historian Johan ...
What Are Your Strengths?
By Dr. Bruce Wilson · 2 years ago
What Are Your Strengths? Bruce Wilson, PhD Positive Psychology is defined as “the study of the strengths and virtues that enable individuals, communities and organisations to thrive.” Positive Psychologists are focused more on the client’s ...
Pretending and Self-Deception
By Dr. Bruce Wilson · 2 years ago
Pretending and Self-Deception Bruce Wilson, PhD People pretend a lot. They pretend to be interested in what you are saying or doing. They pretend to be putting in more effort than they actually are. They ...
Making Sense of Ambivalence
By Dr. Bruce Wilson · 2 years ago
Making Sense of Ambivalence Bruce Wilson, PhD Much of what we do as psychologists is about assisting clients to resolve some ongoing ambivalence. Clients are questioning their circumstances, their lifestyle, their relationships, and even themselves. ...
Achieving Concrastination
By Bruce Wilson · 2 years ago
Achieving Concrastination Bruce Wilson, PhD The opposite of procrastination is concrastination. It means: Start doing the task now and don’t stop until the task is finished. Why is this concept so hard to achieve? Does ...
You're Not Enough Like Me
By Bruce Wilson · 2 years ago
You’re Not Enough Like Me Bruce Wilson, PhD Couples counselling has some special challenges. Two individuals rarely see the same experiences the same. Their different realities are not a fault but rather should be expected. ...
Awareness Through the Ages
By Bruce Wilson · 2 years ago
Awareness Through the Ages Bruce Wilson, PhD Oscar Wilde said: “The old believe everything, the middle-aged suspect everything, the young know everything.” Is Oscar on to something here, or is Oscar just being cynical? Afterall, ...
Illusion and Self-Identity
By Dr. Bruce Wilson · 2 years ago
Illusion and Self-Identity Bruce Wilson, PhD What is an illusion? When something is not what it seems to be, there is a good chance we are in the possible grip of an illusion. Why does ...
Guilt and Hindsight Bias
By Dr. Bruce Wilson · 2 years ago
Guilt and Hindsight Bias Bruce Wilson, PhD It is sometimes said that “hindsight is 20/20”, which implies it is really accurate. Perhaps, but maybe not! Daniel Kahneman describes the fallibility and bias of hindsight as ...
Implicit Bias
By Bruce Wilson · 2 years ago
Implicit Bias Bruce Wilson, PhD “A flawless delusion is more appealing to the human mind than a flawed reality.”- Abhijit Naskar What is implicit bias? Implicit bias is unconscious bias. This type of bias connects ...
A Set Mind or a Mindset?
By Bruce Wilson · 2 years ago
A Set Mind or a Mindset? Bruce Wilson, PhD “When you think you can or you think you can’t you’re right.” Henry Ford The Set Mind When we suggest the idea of a set mind, ...
Simple Complexity?
By Bruce Wilson · 3 years ago
Simple Complexity? Dr. Bruce Wilson “For every complex problem there is an answer that is clear, simple, and wrong.”- H.L.Mencken Why do we try to eliminate complexity by trying to make things simple? Could simple ...
The Pleasure Paradox
By Bruce Wilson · 3 years ago
The Pleasure Paradox Bruce Wilson, PhD “Pleasure is none if not diversified.”-John Donne Pleasure is not just confined to the self but also includes a regard to the pleasure of others. How do we seek ...