Author's articles

Esoteric Philosophy: Do Magic Spells Really Work?
By Ash L'har · 2 years ago
From my perspective the question of whether or not magical operations “work”, are real, etc. is a malformed query. I think of the old “syntax error” message I used to get when fiddling around and ...
Esoteric Magic as a Method for Personal Development
By Ash L'har · 2 years ago
I find it odd that, amid this new millennium’s spiritual revival and self-growth renaissance, relatively few people are interested in or even informed about magic. When I say “magic” I’m referring to the true arcane ...
The Golden Age of Magic: What Historical Period Deserves the Title?
By Ash L'har · 2 years ago
Many practitioners of magic love to romanticize ancient Egypt as the epitome of the great magical genesis. For others Hellenistic Greece represents the creme de la crème of the pursuit of the arcane arts; this ...
Journaling is an Important Part of Your Magical Studies
By Ash L'har · 2 years ago
New students of magic, whether they are part of a school or just solo seekers, sometimes have grandiose and romanticized ideas concerning the path ahead. There is anticipation of perhaps summoning a spiritual being from ...