Author's articles

This Week Is Likely To Change The Course Of The US Dollar
By David Reavill · 1 year ago
This week will likely see a massive tectonic shift in international finance. Multiple forces have converged to create this once-in-a-generation climax in national currencies. It's a finale that's bound to affect you and me. This ...
Audit The Fed
By David Reavill · 1 year ago
Would it surprise you to know that one of the largest institutions in this country does not adhere to Generally Accepted Accounting Standards? Would you be even more surprised to learn that this institution is ...
How America Became Dependent On Chinese Made Goods
By David Reavill · 1 year ago
Our story began in February 1972. Then President Richard Nixon is feted to a full State Visit to the Peoples' Republic of China. It is the first time in a quarter century that the mysterious ...
How A 28-Year-Old Financial Trap Is Exploding Now
By David Reavill · 1 year ago
Our story began nearly 28 years ago, on January 11, 1995. That was the day that Robert Rubin was sworn in as the 70th United States Secretary of Treasury, the day the transformation of the ...
A Pall Settles Over America
By David Reavill · 1 year ago
I see it in their eyes, downcast and wary. I see it in their steps, shuffling and tentative. When they talk, they use a word I rarely hear, depressed. These are the producers, those who ...
A Recession Is When Your Neighbor Loses His Job
By David Reavill · 1 year ago
Equilibrium. You know an economy is slipping perilously close to a recession when market after a market begins to blow up. And you can recognize which markets are in trouble by the prices. A market-based ...
Energy Under Attack: Two Incredible Weeks
By David Reavill · 1 year ago
It's nearly impossible to believe, but in less than two weeks, our energy outlook has changed dramatically, and not for the better. It all began last Monday when a wanton act of terror destroyed both ...
What's Troubling The Stock Market? It's Missiles, Not Basis Points
By David Reavill · 1 year ago
Speaking before the United Nations last Wednesday, President Biden referred to the Ukraine War as brutal and senseless. More than a few investors might have thought he was referring to the stock market, which has ...
What Higher Interest Rates Can't Do
By David Reavill · 1 year ago
At 2 o'clock this afternoon, eastern time, the Federal Reserve will announce its latest move in interest rates. Their objective is to curb this runaway inflation that we're experiencing. So, what is inflation? How will ...
The World Divides
By David Reavill · 1 year ago
Seventy-Five years ago, Winston Churchill proclaimed that the world was dividing into two camps. The Cold War had begun. Last week Vladimir Putin made the same observation to another audience. -- He lacks the rhetorical ...
The End Of The "New World Order?"
By David Reavill · 1 year ago
Imagine if leaders representing nearly half the world's population were to meet, and it didn't make the nightly news. Very little has been reported in the Western Press about the latest meeting of the Shanghai ...
Washington's Loosing Battle With Inflation
By David Reavill · 1 year ago
What you saw yesterday in the Stock Market was the growing frustration that Washington has no answers to address Inflation. As Zero Hedge headlined: this was the 27 month in a row that Inflation was ...
Inflation Is Gas Powered
By David Reavill · 1 year ago
Throughout the country this week, the focus will be on the latest release of the Consumer Price Index, our most widely viewed measure of Inflation. Wall Street believes we will get some relief from the ...
The Failure Of Global Supply Lines
By David Reavill · 1 year ago
The failure of global supply lines in America is at least as old as the country. Its history goes back to the Boston Tea Party. An event where the supply of Tea and other products ...
California's Energy Crisis
By David Reavill · 2 years ago
I grew up in California, and they often face their hottest weather in September. It's uncomfortable for everybody. I always thought it odd that the high school football team had their preseason training just as ...
The Day Charles Schwab Bought Lunch
By David Reavill · 2 years ago
The year was 1978, and I had recently started working for a new brokerage firm. And not only was the firm new, but the entire concept would become a revolution. The firm was named for ...
The Arrogance Of Instant.
By David Reavill · 2 years ago
Ours has been called the information age. And it is likely the defining characteristic of the times we live in. Truly a marvel. We are able to communicate around the globe. Talking to faraway friends ...
Weimar America?
By David Reavill · 2 years ago
You've no doubt seen the picture of a man in Germany, during the Weimar Republic, pushing a whole cart of money, just to make a purchase. The caption read: wheelbarrows replaced wallets. That's the effect ...