Author's articles

How to deal with growing pains in the legs of children?
By Craig Payne · 1 week ago
Growing aches and pains tend to be relatively common in kids. Typically the everyday growing pains will be benign and grown out of. Despite this every case will have to be taken very seriously and ...
What is a Durlacher corn on the foot?
By Craig Payne · 4 weeks ago
A ‘Durlacher's corn‘ is a unique type of pressure corn that develops on the fifth toe. It's just like almost every other corn that is because of an excessive amount of pressure, however what is ...
What does the future hole for Alzheimers disease?
By Craig Payne · 1 month ago
Alzheimer's disease is a gradual nerve condition that leads to a shrinking or atrophy of cells in the and is the most frequent cause of dementia in the elderly population. The earlier indicators often include ...
How can moisture between the toes be treated?
By Craig Payne · 1 month ago
Interdigital maceration is a very common skin disorder observed as the softening and whitening of skin between the toes, usually leading to discomfort and also elevated the likelihood of infections. This disorder is commonly associated ...
How can runners deal with a bump on the back of their heel bone?
By Craig Payne · 1 month ago
Haglund’s deformity or a pump bump is an bigger bit of bone in the rear of the heel is a painful issue in athletes and it is often not easy to deal with. The bigger ...
How to deal with peroneal tendonitis in athletes?
By Craig Payne · 1 month ago
In athletes if there is pain on the outside of the ankle joint and there's no sign of trauma, then the most likely reason is what is called peroneal tendonitis. The peroneal muscle group are ...
What can go wrong if ice skates do not fit properly?
By Craig Payne · 1 month ago
Ice sporting activities are generally popular as a way of activity, socializing, getting fitter and also as a competitive sports activity including speed skating, figure ice skating and ice hockey. Specialized equipment and dedicated establishments ...
What is a Morton's Neuroma in the Foot?
By Craig Payne · 1 month ago
A Morton’s neuroma is a reasonably frequent painful disorder affecting the ball of the foot. Between the metatarsal bones in the ball of the foot there are nerves, and these nerves could be inflammed if ...
How to deal with tired and aching feet?
By Craig Payne · 1 month ago
We very often take our feet without any consideration, however they bear the weight of our entire body as we go about our everyday life. It's not until something goes wrong that individuals pay attention. ...
What is the best treatment for plantar fasciitis in the foot?
By Craig Payne · 1 month ago
Plantar fasciitis is a very common and quite often debilitating disorder observed as a inflammation of the plantar fascia, a solid band of tissue that runs across the bottom of the foot, connecting the heel ...
What are the most common cause of problems with the toenails?
By Craig Payne · 1 month ago
The toenails in the feet can have a lot of various problems which could affect them and be very painful. The toenails get subjected to a great deal of pressure and load from the footwear ...
The Technological Advances in Running Shoes
By Craig Payne · 1 month ago
Athletic shoes will be more than just a simple covering for the feet that's meant to be a defense against the surroundings. Athletic shoes have grown to be so technically sophisticated that they are not ...
How is osteoarthritis of the big toe joint treated?
By Craig Payne · 1 year ago
Discomfort in the big toe or hallux joint of the feet are commonly because of arthritis. This often is recognized as hallux rigidus. There are many different conditions of the big toe joint that would ...
Do you need arch supports?
By Craig Payne · 1 year ago
Arch supports are shoe inserts designed to provide support and cushioning to the arch of the foot. The arch is the curved part of the foot that spans the distance between the ball of the ...
What is a good cream to use to treat chilblains?
By Craig Payne · 1 year ago
Chilblains, also referred to as pernio, are a prevalent disorder that occurs because of the exposure of the skin to colder climates. The problem brings about redness, itchiness, and swelling with the impacted areas, such ...
Is using urine therapy helpful?
By Craig Payne · 1 year ago
Urine therapy is a controversial practice that involves drinking one's own urine or using it topically for medicinal purposes. While some people claim that urine therapy has numerous health benefits, others dismiss it as a ...
What causes the maceration between the toes?
By Craig Payne · 1 year ago
Interdigital maceration on the foot is a condition that happens when the skin in between the toes will become exceedingly damp as well as soft because of continuous contact with wetness. This disorder is often ...
What are plicatured toe nails and what can be done about them?
By Craig Payne · 1 year ago
Plicatured toe nails, also called folded up toe nails or ridged toenails or pincer toe nail, are a type of toe nail abnormality that may affect individuals of all ages and sexes. This problem is ...
How to get your mojo back?
By Craig Payne · 1 year ago
Our own mojo is a thing that can be a tad mysterious and difficult to explain. Ones mojo is generally regarded as being our origin of vigour along with, a person's self confidence as well ...
How dangerous is atrial fibrillation?
By Craig Payne · 1 year ago
Atrial fibrillation (AFib) is a type of arrhythmia, or irregular heartbeat, that can have serious health consequences if left untreated. AFib is the most common type of arrhythmia, affecting millions of people worldwide, and its ...