Author's articles
A White Man's Prescription for Righting the Wrongs of Racism--Exposing the Original Ideas Behind Racism
By Steve Boston · 13 years ago
The vast majority of people know that racism is wrong, and despite recent claims here in the United States that we have entered into a post racial society due to the election of Barack Obama ...
Black in America--A White Man's Prescription for Righting the Wrong of Racism--Unraveling the Origins
By Steve Boston · 13 years ago
Social scientists explain the causes of racism primarily as due to environmental factors, ignorance and feelings of superiority. While these reasons may be true in one respect, they satisfy neither the intellect nor the heart. ...
Righting the Wrongs of Racism--A White Man's Prescription
By Steve Boston · 13 years ago
How does a society right the wrong of racism? Can it be done? No one can change history or wipe out the evils of what has been committed in the past. But there is a ...