Author's articles

Is pig farming ecological in the 21st century
By David Steven Chalmers · 6 months ago
Abstract In the 21st century it is becoming increasingly necessary to evaluate the environmental impact of various industries. One industry that has come under specific scrutiny is that of livestock farming due to land use ...
Does eating apex predators carry health risks
By David Steven Chalmers · 11 months ago
Introduction An apex predator is a carnivorous animal that has no natural predators of their own and is top of the food chain in their environment. Despite having no natural predator even apex predators have ...
Was China essential in the development of modern pig keeping practises
By David Steven Chalmers · 1 year ago
Abstract While the practise of pig rearing has been common throughout both Europe and Asia it appears china was one of the most prominent civilisation for the practise. Meanwhile European pig farmers would not develop ...