Author's articles

How to Uncover Your Confidence Matrix
By Carmen Gilfillan · 5 months ago
According to the Concise Oxford Dictionary, confidence is defined as “firm trust; a feeling of reliance or certainty; a sense of self reliance; boldness”. From this, we can deduce that confidence is about certainty, reliance ...
How to Flip Your Thinking to Change Your Results
By Carmen Gilfillan · 5 months ago
How can we flip our thinking to see the positive side of life? A positive attitude towards our successes or failures in life is, according to Brian Tracy and W Clement Stone, not only about ...
Three Steps to Eliminating Beliefs That Limit You
By Carmen Gilfillan · 5 months ago
In a quote from the book, The Inner Rising, it says "Our belief systems act as filters through which we see the world and which influence the "spin" we put on our lives". This quote ...
The 3B Method For Lowering Your Stress Response
By Carmen Gilfillan · 5 months ago
As we go through our lives, there may be times when we’re challenged, and that challenge can result in us feeling under stress. We may, automatically, assume that the stress we’re experiencing is bad. The ...
3 Key Steps to Lasting Change
By Carmen Gilfillan · 6 months ago
If you want to improve how you take care of yourself, change how you think so that your perspective becomes a more positive one, and boost your own self-confidence, belief, and esteem, there are three ...