Author's articles

Affirmation Quotes: Use Them To Stay Motivated
By Suzanne Glover · 12 years ago
Affirmation quotes are a great tool to use for staying motivated when practicing any affirmations on your list of affirmations because they remind you that the affirmation process works. Many people, however, leave out affirmation ...
Are Your Affirmations Positive? How to Do Them Right
By Suzanne Glover · 12 years ago
Making daily affirmations positive is a sneaky art, but once you get the simple "twist" that makes your affirmation list become positive, you're well on your way to success. This article gives you tips for ...
Weight Loss Affirmations: Are They Enough and How to Practice Them
By Suzanne Glover · 12 years ago
Weight loss affirmations are one of the many daily affirmations that people practice to improve themselves, but are they enough by themselves to make change and how do you practice them effectively? This article discusses ...
List of Affirmations: Why Is It Essential to Include Affirmations of Faith?
By Suzanne Glover · 12 years ago
When compiling a list of affirmations, most people include the typical abundance affirmations, prosperity affirmations or health affirmations to manifest money, health and/or happiness. But there is a key element necessary for any affirmation on ...
Personal Development Plan Template: 5-Step Personal Action Plan
By Suzanne Glover · 12 years ago
A good personal development plan template includes five steps that guide you to take action. When included, these five steps can make your personal action plan simple, yet effective. In fact, keeping your personal development ...
Positive Phrases: Why Most People Do Them Wrong!
By Suzanne Glover · 12 years ago
Positive phrases are easy to master when you know a couple of tricks. The first thing to keep in mind when choosing positive words and phrases is thinking about the end result you desire. This ...
Positive Thinking - Can the Way You Think Affect Your Health Physically?
By Suzanne Glover · 12 years ago
Positive thinking sometimes can be perceived as a lot of "fluff," but science has been able to prove that there's more to it than just the "placebo effect." In fact, this article answers the question, ...
Encouragement Quotes: How to Make Your Own Positive Thinking Motivational Quote Poster and Postcards
By Suzanne Glover · 12 years ago
Using encouragement quotes, quotes on positive thinking and other positive phrases to motivate yourself to take action is a great tool for success. Keeping these good quotes around you, however, is more important than most ...
Positive Thinking Quotes: How to Pick the Right Ones for You!
By Suzanne Glover · 12 years ago
Choosing positive thinking quotes, positive sayings and other encouragement quotes can be fun when you know a few simple tricks to making them fit for you. This article gives you three tips for choosing which ...
Use the Law of Attraction As Your Own Personal Money Magnet
By Suzanne Glover · 12 years ago
Using the Law of Attraction as your own personal money magnet is easy when you know one of the best kept "secrets" of the Law of Attraction, which is "energetic magnetism." In fact, the terms ...
Using the Law of Attraction for Money: Can You Get a Greater Benefit Than Money?
By Suzanne Glover · 12 years ago
Using the Law of Attraction for money has obvious benefits, but there is one significant benefit which frequently goes UN-acknowledged. This article explains the single most important benefit to using the Law of Attraction to ...
Personal Development Plan: Why It Helps You Honor Your Time and Relieve Stress
By Suzanne Glover · 12 years ago
A personal development plan is a very useful tool for getting a "handle" on your time management and relieving stress. While it is common to set goals and plans for a business, it is more ...
Creating a Life Plan: How to Do a Daily Life Plan - 5 Top Tips
By Suzanne Glover · 12 years ago
When creating a life plan, many people get so stuck in looking at the "Big Picture" that they forget about the instrumental daily steps that change their overall trajectory of life. This article gives you ...
How to Develop a Personal Development Plan: 10 Easy Steps
By Suzanne Glover · 12 years ago
When you set out to develop a personal development plan, you want to take a few factors into consideration. Here are ten easy steps that give you a good start: STEP ONE - TAKE INVENTORY ...
Best Anti Aging Products vs. Natural Anti Aging Remedies - Top 7 Tips for Natural Fountain of Youth
By Suzanne Glover · 13 years ago
In today's society, there is a lot of emphasis on the best anti aging products and the best anti aging creams, but what if you could reverse aging from the inside out? This article explains ...
Meditation for Pain Relief: How to Meditate Your Pain Away
By Suzanne Glover · 13 years ago
Mindful meditation for pain relief has been proven to decrease the mind's response to pain by 40-57% according to a discovery published in The Journal of Neuroscience. But how do you get these benefits when ...
How Does Stress Affect Your Overall Health? Top Seven Ways to Relieve Stress
By Suzanne Glover · 13 years ago
Having stress affect your overall health today is a widespread concern. While, the signs of stress are numerous and worth discussing, of more importance is learning the best ways to relieve stress. This article answers ...
Starting a Business at Home: Top Seven Tips For Overcoming Discouragement
By Suzanne Glover · 13 years ago
When starting a business at home, the enthusiasm of starting a business from home is exciting and motivating. This start-up energy, however, can fade away when the real work begins. The best small business marketing ...
Meditation for Beginners: Top Tip To Meditate Like A Monk in Minutes
By Suzanne Glover · 13 years ago
Meditation for beginners can be done easily with one simple trick. Once you have discovered it, you'll quickly be able to get into a mindful meditation to relieve stress as well as have found an ...
10 Top Meditation Benefits: How Does Meditation Help the Human Body?
By Suzanne Glover · 13 years ago
Meditation benefits are numerous, but what are the ones that really help us feel great mentally, emotionally and physically? These ten benefits of meditation top the list for mental, emotional and physical well-being. TOP BENEFIT ...