Author's articles

The Power Of Constructive Impatience - A Key To Resiliency
By Eileen Mcdargh · 7 years ago
For those who abhor change of any kind, I believe there are an equal number of us who want to challenge the status quo, to move quickly and to leap ahead. Some of us might ...
Baton Leadership Lessons From LA Philharmonic Conductor Dudamel
By Eileen Mcdargh · 13 years ago
Imagine a crusty group of seasoned professionals standing, applauding and cheering a 28 year-old leader who has turned a same-old-same-old product into something fresh and exciting! This does NOT happen-particularly when the professionals are members ...
Resiliency Lessons From The Chilean Mine Triumph
By Eileen Mcdargh · 13 years ago
A worldwide web of viewers watched 33 miners being pulled to the surface following a 600,000 ton cave-in that happened nearly one-half mile below the ground on a barren plain in southern Chile. Besides showcasing ...
Sanity Survival-PATIENCE, NOW!!!!!!
By Eileen Mcdargh · 13 years ago
I admit it: I am a jack rabbit. I like to hop to it and get things done. Give me a project and I'll start immediately just so I can get it off of my ...
Retreat To Advance Into A New Decade
By Eileen Mcdargh · 13 years ago
From my second floor bedroom, I look out at a massive 150 year-old eucalyptus tree that almost overpowers the expanse of the Pacific and the Channel Islands. Starlings, crows, doves, and woodpeckers dart among the ...
LISTEN UP LEADERS: The Frontline Makes Your Bottom Line
By Eileen Mcdargh · 14 years ago
It happens all the time: A full-page ad is placed in a major monthly publication. The ad touts the service excellence of their product. Catchy phrases. Great promises. Major dollars are spent to create an ...
The Power of Welcome Home
By Eileen Mcdargh · 14 years ago
Welcome home! These two small words carry potent possibilities for creating a connection that evokes loyalty and teamwork. Yet, one seldom thinks of "welcome home" in the context of work. In fact, it is only ...
Taming The Technostress
By Eileen Mcdargh · 14 years ago
Last week, my big desktop PC crashed, my laptop got the "blue screen: of death". The refrigerator croaked, and the toaster oven went the heaven. My I-phone decided to stop receiving e-mail and the dashboard ...
When a Leader Knows to Say, “No.”
By Eileen Mcdargh · 17 years ago
On November 2, Whole Foods Market CEO, John Mackey, sent a letter to all employees announcing that the salary cap policy on executive compensation would change. He said “No” to their unprecedented policy of capping ...
Work/Life Balance Tips for the Business Traveler
By Eileen Mcdargh · 17 years ago
Balance and the business traveler has everything to do with staying "connected". As I indicate in my book, Work for a Living & Still Be Free to Live, we achieve a fluctuating balance by how ...
The Art of Balancing an Unequal Life
By Eileen Mcdargh · 17 years ago
Study the best seller lists of the past few years and you'll notice titles that range from Peter Lynch's "Beating the Street" to Thomas Moore's "Care of the Soul: How to Find Depth and Sacredness ...