B And B In Scotland - Offering Much More Than Other Forms Of Accommodation

Travel & Leisure

  • Author Jim Thomas
  • Published November 24, 2010
  • Word count 442

Warm, friendly people, amazing scenery, superb food and wine and fascinating culture and history are just a few of the many reasons why Scotland is hard to beat as a holiday destination.

There’s certainly a lot more on offer in Scotland than is portrayed in the famous "Braveheart" movie. Everyone knows that it’s renowned around the world for its beautiful green countryside and snowy mountains.

A lot of people who travel to Europe will use London as their base from which to explore. Whilst most people will travel south to countries like France and Italy, many will travel north and head up to Scotland. If you do, the best form of accommodation is b and b in Scotland. There are plenty of them, they are owned by incredibly warm and welcoming people and they’re inexpensive.

Scotland is considered the 4th oldest country in Europe, behind San Marino, France and Bulgaria. Along with this history come stone castles, which perhaps best symbolize history. Many of these castles have played a part in some historic battles, such as "The Battle of Bannockburn". Some of these castles date back to the 11th century and their architectural design make them among the most spectacular buildings in the whole of Europe. There are hundreds of castles in Scotland and trust me, once you feast your eyes on one of the most famous of these, you’ll be glad that you made the trip north.

Boasting some of the most beautiful green countryside in the world makes owning or visiting a b and b in Scotland the logical choice. Whether you are in Glasgow, Edinburgh, Aberdeen or the Scottish Highlands and Islands, you’ll find the surrounding scenery of your bed and breakfast to be as eye-catching as the views on offer from quaint, elevated luxury lodges.

Staying in a bed and breakfast in Scotland is perhaps the most preferred form of accommodation. Rather than staying at a motel or hotel where you may feel more closed off to the world, a bed and breakfast boasts the feeling of openness, crisp, clean air and quite possibly the most friendly and hospitable people on the planet.

A lot of people also prefer a b and b in Scotland to alternative accommodation because they offer you the best of both worlds. By this, I mean that you can come and go as you choose, plus you can also enjoy the family and home-like atmosphere on offer as well. Staying in a bed and breakfast for a day or two then moving onto the next is the best way to take in the sights and sounds of Scotland.

The Number 1 Bed & Breakfast Accommodation Website.

1BB Directory lists b and b Scotland accommodation. Whether you choose to stay at a luxury homestay, farmstay, cottage, hotel, or boutique inn, you will find our hosts offer superior hospitality.

Article source: https://articlebiz.com
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